22 days & fuzzy peaches

2 minute read time.

22 days post op. 17 days home. 

All going pretty well. One step forward then one step back for a week. Then two steps forward one back. Now in the land of step step step. 

Stoma nurse called day 13 of post op. Now to be known as P.O. All looking good (?) red and burbling and reducing in size.

Day 14 we had call from MDT with results of biopsy of the offensive tumour formerly known as Bob. 

Bob successfully removed but traces of the bad stuff found in 2 nodes. So good news dashed by the blow of having to go through more chemo. Left waiting for letter in the post with appointment. 

Hopes really dashed. Hubby was believing that the cancer was gone and he just had to  recover from op and get strength back for reversal of ileostomy. Then try to get life back. To something like it once was. I guess there is never a once was when cancer has swiped you. If we ever get the all clear from this I think I for one will be on edge looking for any change of anything for the rest of our lives. 

Anyways, oncology consult is on for the 13th of November. Having done some reading it seems that previous chemo regimes may be tried but he has not got rid of the side effects from previous oxaliplatin and capec. Maybe something new for him? He so wanted the ileostomy gone too before more chemo. But again reading suggests this will not be an option. So if he is to return to work anytime in the next 12 month we;ll be looking into stoma shields.

Trying to get our heads around benefits of stoma during chemo compared to the drawbacks. Medically it may make sense. But hubby took one day sick on chemo before. I don't think he'll be so lucky this time but his strength is returning. Have a feeling that the hospital consul/ MDT/ oncology team won't really give us a choice. 

But today was better. He's had three days with me back at work and cleansed (trying a differnet bag), fed and watered himself successfully. Weight up by one and half pound in a week. Now 6 foot and 9 stone 8 and a half pound. He's doing little futering chores like washing a glass or folding a little laundry. 

R&R involves plenty of TV. Was a box set of Harry Potter last weekend. Got some 3 quid cheapies for this weekend. And for proper R&R a tin of Stella is his treat. Alongside some fuzzy peaches to thicken things back up. 

Fuzzy peaches similar to jelly babies in effect but sharp and sour. 

So at day 22 P.O. the world is in submission with a full stomach, a tin of beer and a packet of sweets, a fire and a movie. 
