Windy story

3 minute read time.

Husband made a small fart saturday morning 18th january, 2 days after stoma reversal. And was discharged cos the beds on ward were needed. 

To be fair the A & E had a busy night. But there was a wanderer in the bay and my hubby was the most ablest of the 6 beds and the nurses were short handed. G in the end bed got told to sit on it and leave catheter alone. Might have taken my man half hour to get to the end bed but the other 3 coherent guys used the threat anyway. 

So hubby came home saturday. Not monday as expected. Tough to keep work informed of state of play. But they accommodate. 

To cut a long story short, hubby endured a lot of stomach, belly, bowel cramping with no more than paracetamol as pain relief. A single shot of Oromorph kept back in reserve from the re-section helped. Monday early hours a small movement happened. In an attempt at levity I had in the night told him to go to sleep, it'll start at 4.06. Well 10 to 5 is close?

And then a day of we don't have to call the hospital followed by 7 hours of sitting on the toilet. 

And I got a really crappy cold, bug thing that is almost gone. 

But it's all getting better. Really. 

From 2 weeks on (I'm skipping some stuff) imodium (loperamide if you can talk to GP) is useful to get control back. Hubby was toileting 4 hours after eating with little control. You have to test the dose (stoma nurses say up to 8) but a tablet can get him a nights sleep and something resembing normal function. Which as a carer is really useful. 

It's hard to be awake when your partner is awake and sleep when they sleep because it's when they sleep that you get time to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, work, pay bills, update family and friends etc etc etc. 

But to continue, 

Back in november '13 hubby was post anterior resection and oncology lady advised resuming chemo by end of jan '14. OK says we. Hubby itching for ileostomy reversal. Lady say OK if done before end of Jan. Must do rest of chemo by then. Leak test passed. Weight and health met criteria for op. Date given as 16 jan. Onc contacted and told OK. Happy to proceed. 

Went to onc appointment this wednesday (29th) expecting to get further treatment plan.

Pah Phooey and Doh

Think there has been to put it politely an oversight,

Oncology has used the blood test taken the day after surgery as the basis as to whether or not husband is suitable to take further chemotherapy. Apparently his iron and protein levels were down suggesting a dietary issue. Dare I suggest that 2 days of low residue diet and a day  or 2 of hospital food plus op might contribute.

And then Onc lady says that there is no evidence to  suggest that further chemo will be of benefit. ????

I have read a little bit of stuff that suggests too much chemo will stop it being as effective if you need it again, a bit like anti biotics. But she was so adamant that he had to start again by end of this month. But not now.

She also put him down for a blood test in a couple of weeks along with a ticket for a blood transfusion. Associate colleague person in on the consult  told us to ignore that one. Hubby is eating well. And not off colour or losing weight.

About the only plus that we have any confidence is that we should get an appointment for a scan. 

Can't remember if was CT or MRI but it will be  basis for where we go next. 

Well we should get a couple of weeks before the next round of hospital begins. 

Worded out for now. 

Live for the day.x 
