Vulva Cancer Melanoma- my story so far

  • WLE & reconstruction surgery Feb12

    In ward bed with catheter + Drain from wound and withOUT pain. Typed a lot earlier but it disappeared. Summary. Arrived 7.30 am. Op about 10.30. Recovery room about 1.30. I have to lie flat NOT sit right now as it puts pressure on the pedicle where the skin has been rotated. Getting home criteria according to my surgeon are for him to see me walking, for drain to be no longer needed and wound to be healing OK…
  • Histology results



    Saw the surgeon yesterday to discuss histology results and next steps.  He had booked the op for next week before I got there!
    The tumour was 6.3mm thick, and ulcerated so it's T4b *shrug*. NOT Stage4 which would be baaad. Good news is that the margins were clear which means he did get all of it + no lumps to suggest lymph nodes are involved..  Biopsy showed 0.8mm but the surgeon thought it was thicker and has…
  • Jan 28th - moving along


    It's 9 days now since the op and the stitches seem to have settled down; the gel stuff they put over them is still in place but some stitches poke through so I've been going commando since I stopped using gauze pads and needing knickers to hold it in place.

    I've an appointment with the surgery nurse to remove the stitches this Friday, and a confirmed outpatient appointment with the surgeon for Feb 6th so I guess…

  • Post-op Pain


    The local anaesthetic wore off after about 8 hours as I'd been warned to expect and I woke often last night feeling pain.  This morning I've remembered I was advised not to be shy about taking painkillers so I'll see if paracetamol or ibuprofen will help.

    The wound seems swollen but it's not bleeding, only weeping a bit.  I'll get some soft gauze stuff from the chemist similar to what the hospital used…

  • Day Surgery to remove melanoma - over with


    Well, the deed has been done and I am home again.

    Most of the hospital time was spent waiting, including an extra hour when I was bumped in favour of an emergency surgery.  No argument with that!

    The operation itself did only take about half an hour and I am currently in no pain whatsoever.  The surgeon told me he would be administering two types of local anaesthetic, one which would last one to two hours and another…