Vulva Cancer Melanoma- my story so far

  • Feb28 ENT examination


    Can't say this was much fun but it wasn't so awful either, particularly the good news that came with it.

    I was told the CTscan shows a lump in or on my voicebox (larynx) and after squirting some anaesthetic up my nostril, the doctor fed an endoscope(?) long tube with a light on the end, through my nostril and into my throat.  It wasn't painful but felt pretty weird and horrible even so.  He said he could see…

  • Feb26 Another CTscan and ENT appointment


    I had the neck/thorax CTscan today; it doesn't take long and I'm getting to be an old hand at them now. This time I paid more attention to the feeling of the dye injection going through my body, blood moves seriously fast!  It's painless, just a feeling of internal warmth

    Having taken a taxi to the hospital, I got brave and WALKED back the mile to my house.  It did take half as long again as it usually does…

  • Feb 20 Post-op follow-up


    Back from the hospital post-op appointment.  The nurse thought the healing was two weeks on, not just a week and that she would be taking stitches out today so it's all going well.  The surgeon is very pleased with progress too.  He is no longer worried by the medium-extensive bruising which he hadn't expected to happen but I've always been prone to bruise quite badly so we are both content that it's 'just the way I am…

  • Feb 16 - another CT scan & McMillan keyworker


    The day of my operation, the surgeon told me the MDT meeting that morning had reviewed ALL of my scans to date and had seen a 'something' on the left side of my neck.  I had noticed what I thought was a swollen gland there about a week before but I had no fever or headache so wasn't worried and it went away after a couple of days.

    When I got home yesterday, I had a couple of NHS letters waiting for me, one…

  • Home after WLE & flap surgery Feb15th


    Being home is reassuring although I have to cart the catheter around with me till Wednesday next when I see my surgeon again.  My grandchildren were pretty disgusted when they came with my son to collect me to but agree it's better than having to wear a nappy LOL!

    My son came up with a brilliant idea about it so I'm wearing a shoulder bag with a long strap and the only visible bit is the tube.  Thank goodness for…