Feb 16 - another CT scan & McMillan keyworker

1 minute read time.

The day of my operation, the surgeon told me the MDT meeting that morning had reviewed ALL of my scans to date and had seen a 'something' on the left side of my neck.  I had noticed what I thought was a swollen gland there about a week before but I had no fever or headache so wasn't worried and it went away after a couple of days.

When I got home yesterday, I had a couple of NHS letters waiting for me, one from a McMillan Skin Cancer Specialist Nurse apologising for missing me at my previous appointment and telling me she is my allocated key worker, the initial point of contact if I have any problems or questions about diagnosis or treatment.  The other one was my appointment to see the surgeon on Feb20 to remove the catheter and review post-op progress, which I already knew about.

Today I got a letter with an appointment for a neck/thorax CTscan with contrast on Feb 26. They are certainly following up on everything possible which is reassuring but also triggers more concern about whether or not the cancer has spread.  It'll just be another waiting for results time in hope it is clear.

I slept very very well last night :) good to be in my own bed again.  
