Feb28 ENT examination

Less than one minute read time.

Can't say this was much fun but it wasn't so awful either, particularly the good news that came with it.

I was told the CTscan shows a lump in or on my voicebox (larynx) and after squirting some anaesthetic up my nostril, the doctor fed an endoscope(?) long tube with a light on the end, through my nostril and into my throat.  It wasn't painful but felt pretty weird and horrible even so.  He said he could see what looks like a sort of white blister with clear fluid.  There was an amount of medicspeak which went right over my head but the summary is it's almost certainly benign, is not related to the melanoma, could have been there for years, and the upshot that he will examine me again in three or four months time to check for any changes.

All good to hear and one less thing to worry about 
