Hello ...I am me ...remind me who u are again ?

1 minute read time.

At risk of sounding ungrateful - but hey it's my blog sorry -

Why is it people who haven't contacted you in forever ago suddenly pop back and offer you lunch or something similiarly impractical when they hear on the grapevine your diagnosis ?? The said people don't actually know how you are feeling cos they don't really know you anymore!!

I shall refer fondly to this group of friends as ' checking in before you check out !' LOL Ummmmm if it helps your concious to think you saw me - but last I heard I have a diagnosis that will require treatment not be measured up for a final resting place

Don't make me angry !! Funnily enough I saw the Avengers this weekend and loved this statement and think it applies to all of us on this journey

‎'There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could...' Avengers Assemble

So it's back to work tomorrow - how bizarre lots of loose ends to tie up, back to diagnostic tests Wed& Thurs and the counting down to big results and treatment planning day the week after. Part of me is still saying Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out and say - you've been punked !! But unfortunately not - so here I am being me, and will keep being me even if it's a slower version of me (with a little help from my friends )

  • FormerMember

    Hi there! welcome to the wonderful world of head tilters and sympathy grabbers and wonderful people.

    I had categories for them.

    There are the head tilters who tilt their head at you and say How are you? and things like well done! and oh you are so brave.

    Then there's the people that like to tell other people that they are helping a friend with cancer... I had one woman who never spoke to me at work emailing me asking me how I was and then saying would I mind if she told everyone at work  in the meeting so she could be the one to say Oh I have heard from LM blah blah ? Me and my friends were laughing at my 'new best friend' who incidentally went back to not talking to me again haha.

    Then there are the avoiders who cross the street and won't look at you... they are fun cos you can follow them and embarrass them by trying to get them to talk to you

    At work there seemed to be 2 camps. She's dead and she's not dead. The she's dead camp were thinking of who to replace me with and changing things and lighting candles in honour of me (puke)

    And of course my proper friends who just got on with it and laughed at all the others with me...

    And some wonderful new friends who appear out of nowhere and just know what to do and help etc same as some of your friends disappear without a trace....

    Oh and I almost forgot... the amateur doctors:  You'll be fine. It hasn't spread to your liver, you are not yellow, my mum/great uncle/wife's dog's cousin/ had your cancer and are fine now.....

    I wrote some blogs somewhere about funny things to do with these sorts.

    II got a lot of My you do look well comments. Drove me bonkers.

    In the meantime, find them funny- its the only way and tilt your head more in response to them....

    Good luck with the tests next week!!

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx

    ps we used to have a thread which still exists somewhere on here called dumb things people say which is full of these things we have to deal with. They are very funny and worth reading sometime. And we have a thread called for those with a warped sense of humour where we blab on a bit about stuff and laugh at it rather than cry... sometimes we just chat these days but it is silly... you are welcome to join us over there anytime too....