To the left, to the left .....

  • It's good to talk and sometime rant


    Day 2 , Chemo 2 ...well last chemo I was significantly worse and I'm not whooping to soon as it's an unpredicable bugger you never know from one day to the next ! My mind is alert but body tiring again now.

    So before I shut down, I wanted to update. Last chemo I TOLD my friends I FELT disappointed by their reactions, whether if was their fear, being busy or inconsiderate whatever and I am pleased to say that…

  • Count your blessings


    It's quite simple really in my mind. If you keep focusing on the bad or the things you dislike or don't want you get more of them. So I opted out of that trap and keep focusing on the good things, maybe it's all the self help books and articles I've absorbed and digested, maybe it's my (annoying for some) sunny disposition , Eric Idle would be proud. Always look on the bright side of life ...


  • Busy doing nothing ...the reawakening of the mind


    OMG I woke up this morning with a mission in my mind !! It's the 1st September and I'm programmed to get kids back to school and get my work in order clearly. It was a comforting, familiar burst of motivation that had me scrawling all over a notebook my plans for the chemo months.

    I've got a chemo verision of the Game of Life - I figured I'm treating this as a career break, let's enjoy this time off and be constructive…

  • A little break from the norm...Kick Ass is back


    Bounce, bounce, bounce and wobbles to a standstill. Could it be that I am finally coming back to a version of me after my injection of toxic chemicals ??? Shhhhh let's not speak too soon.

    A week ago tomorrow was my first chemo, which I embraced in my typical Leeroy Jenkins style, running in without a battleplan as such but full of courage. It has taken 6 days to start to even back out after all text book side effects…

  • My version of 24


    Need a ticking clock or digital countdown in the corner of this fast paced blog 

    Oh I feel cr*p today, day before 1st chemo and my hormones almost in resistance to being told they have limited time, have decided to rush one in - helloooo sensitive behaviour, spots (really?) and stomachache.

    I cut my hair off last night, my sign of commitment & preparation for the treatment. It actually was really hard and I still feel…