Busy doing nothing ...the reawakening of the mind

3 minute read time.

OMG I woke up this morning with a mission in my mind !! It's the 1st September and I'm programmed to get kids back to school and get my work in order clearly. It was a comforting, familiar burst of motivation that had me scrawling all over a notebook my plans for the chemo months.

I've got a chemo verision of the Game of Life - I figured I'm treating this as a career break, let's enjoy this time off and be constructive !! This is largely about the adjustment from being a workaholic to feeling lazy in comparison - but part of me likes it.

I was reflecting on my life pre diagnosis and surprisingly I wasn't , ohh I want my old life back ..why ?? Well as I sat and mapped it all out on paper , everything on that chaotic mind map was about giving to others, I was juggling my career, with my desire to start my own business, with a second job, with helping every friend under the sun, juggling kids, long working hours, always being on the go, poor diet and actually I was receiving nothing !! When I look back I was emotionally bankrupt - as all I did was fix people, mentally, emotionally, physically ....I sorted people's problems and put them back together. But who was going to fix Humpty Dumpty who fixes everyone else ?? BREAST CANCER THAT'S WHO !! 

All of a sudden, I've dropped my multiple roles, lost the so called friends that demanded my time and attention, dropped running all over London to support other people's needs. And I've started to receive - therapies , meals from friends or lifts from friends...I've started to love myself, this may take time !! But like an alcoholic I can accept that actually I had it all wrong before, and that really all that giving wasn't that good for me after all.

So my enlightment begins and I THANK BC for that , strange to hear but true - for how else would I ever really take note that my lfe was out of balance, sure making my body out of balance is a bl**** extreme way, but I do like a challenge.

I'm facing the biggest challenge of my life, not beating Breast Cancer - I've got that, seen it in my mind, the end result after all this treatment is that the cancerous beast is beaten into submission and remission for as long as possible and i mean as long as possible. Forget prognosis and dates, I've things to do and this illness has to wait till I'M DONE. Simple. 

No, the bigger challenge is changing me - stop my natural caring for others and giving to others urges and focus this journey about really embracing and loving me. All of me, for while my outer shell is not what it was, my inner self needs it's time to blossom and shine through. Get to know me , the real unblemished me ...love me. All of my life I have struggled with really loving myself, I have felt unlovable and used this as weapon against myself in my poor choices in relationships - ha I said in an earlier blog my dysfunctional relationships is a bigger challenge than breast cancer.

So moving forwards, with my mind set on growing, self developing, blossoming, coming out of my chemo cocoon  having shed my cancer (i hope) my outer shell (breast, hair) and my inner torments - I am going to be some amazingly beautiful and strong butterfly - ready to fly away (maybe after being tanned in rads )

Now that is a very positive thought, to new beginnings, thanks BC for giving me this second chance at life :)  xxoxooxooxo

  • FormerMember

    Good to see your positivity still shining through, that's the spirit that will see you emerge from the chrysalis.

    Your blog hit home on so many levels, which I'm sure will be the same for most of us. It's unfortunate though (or is that fortunate, if we're thankful?) that it takes something as bad as this to let us see who and what is important in our life. I do have to admit to sometimes feeling guilty and perhaps taking the wind out of some folks sails when I say no! but I have learnt to put myself first which was something alien to me in both personal and professinal areas of my life. I'm determined not to slip back and will say "hey stop the bus"

    Take care, look forward to this amazonian warrior morphing into a red admiral or purple emperor.

  • FormerMember

    My sista from another mista, your words fill me with such joy, because (as what is now becoming a habit) i see much of my journey, my thoughts, my approach to kicking this monster into touch in what you say. You and i are far too alike at times - we stand as superheroes together!! 

    People look at me strangely, esp those with already tilted heads, when i confidently say 'i feel like im the lucky one' sure the cancer crap is scary and horrible to watch, but it sure puts things into perspective. I have learned to love and appreciate my body and the amazing amount of crap it can put up with on a new found level. The previous two years i cursed it for being so broken, now its on the mend and i see how much poison it is taking in its stride i suddenly think maybe its not so broken after all.

    Im a give it all out kinda chick and remain happy when others are happy, and i still am that girl, just not to the same extent. I now remember to listen to my body, take a moment and just breathe. That extra breath provides a lot of clarity at times. Too many people are reminding me to be selfish just once in a while, do stuff for me. And i always have a Little My on my shoulder reminding me i deserve shiny things so i do treat myself more. F**k it, we have cancer, we blooming deserve to get spoiled!

    I try to find one thing in each day that im grateful for and get all the dark cloud fake friends to bugger off, we dont need people bringing us down. If they cant appreciate how good they have it, they are lacking something up top.

    This journey we are on sure does clear out the fake friends and wastes of our time and energy. I have a true new found love and appreciation for everyone who has took every step of my journey with me and hope i will never see any of those i lost along the way again, people who cant come out their own little bubble for one second now disgust me more than they did before, and i did have little tolerance for those who couldnt think about anything but themselves in the first place lol!!

    And yay for macland, bringing me new, amazing, inspirational, warrior friends for life!! 

    Much love <3 

    Isis xxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sass,

    What a great blog! It will certainly bring a number of us to our senses, since so many on here seem to be the givers rather than the takers.

    When I was first diagnosed, friends told me the best way to beat the cancer was to carry on with my life as normal as possible. I quickly found that there was a new normal and a new order and beating cancer was my top priority. All the jobs and help which I gave to others had to take a back seat. I have beaten cancer into submission, but I have not taken up all those jobs and others have had to take them on.

    Yes, LM is in favour of shiny things, so my bank balance is smaller now, but hey, I'm enjoying spending the money.

    Good luck with the new you, but please don't change too much!

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good morning you lovely supportive people : )

    Ah yes the ever decreasing bank balance, I seem to know this so well to, as over the past 4 months have definitely had a different approach to spending tee hee hee ...but the autumn / winter is going to be Blue Peter months and my 70's thrifty upbringing with homecooked meals and making things. I'm going all Good Life now (showing my age) I'm actually excited !! I've worked forever and when I had my youngest son, went back to work when he was 16 weeks old - was horrible. So the thought of being home after school and cooking him a healthy meal, today feels a wonderful thing :) 

    Hooray to ditching the career and stress for homelife for 6 months or so...

    Here's to the new friends we've found here, and hanging on to the new parts ooh er we've found in us on our journeys : )

    Colin, I don't think I can change too much, but installing upgrades is good : )

    Isis, my sista to kickin ass & donuts !!

    Always, thank you what a beautiful image I have of this butterfly emerging at the end of this : ) 
