thoughts feelings and fears of a man too big to admit them!

  • Surprise surprise...


    So - had scan results back and more good news - the Vem is still working and the tumours have all shrunk a bit further. The lump I found in my right armpit was just one of the chest tumours I have going walkabouts or something... so no new issues. I was slightly relieved UI have to say! So I am now looking more seriously at starting work again - probably from home as I still feel sick a lot of the time and do not fancy…

  • Just when you think it is safe to go back in the water...


    So - I am now on my fourth cycle of vemurafenib. Side effects are not too bad - mainly feet hurting making it hard to walk and of course the queasy feeling and the tiredness...

    Anyway that is not the news today. I checked my nodes at the weekend and found a lump under my right arm pit - where I have not had any occurrences previously. My dermatologist has said I should brace myself for further spread at my next scan…

  • update


    Had my first scan after 8 weeks of Vem. It went as well as can be hoped so good news... All my tumours shrank and the consultant oncologist was really pleased.

    On the negative side, after 8 weeks of Vem I was in a bit of a mess with side effects and could hardly walk. I am moving to a schedule of 3 weeks on and one week off the meds for now to see how I go but have applied for a blue badge anyway as it has made travel…

  • My history and starter for ten...


    I know it may seem old to some people but I do not feel old - I am 48 now. Back in 2010 I noticed a mole on my neck that started bleeding when I dried myself with a towel or when it rubbed on my shirt collar. I went to the doctor who said it was probably nothing but he would refer me to a consultant... he forgot and 6 weeks later I rang and chased it and got an appointment in early December 2010 I think it was.

    The consultant…

  • why....


    I am not the kind of person who keeps a blog. I am not the kind of person who freely expresses emotions. I am not the kind of person who shows his feelings easily. With this in mind, I have no idea why I decided to do this, but I hope it will be therapeutic. I am not interested in making it look nice or being easy to read but I do need to somehow get my fears and anger out there in a way that offers me a bit of release…