Thoughts and emotions

  • some of the strange things you have to do after someone dies...


    ...was doing the online Tesco shop, as you do! And they have a list of favourites or regular buys on there. Today going though it I noticed all the specific stuff my wife used to buy, especially toiletries. There is that feeling of betrayal when I removed them.

    So very strange!

  • I thought it was meant to get easier?

    FormerMember seems be getting harder!!!
  • The night before...

    ..tomorrow I am burying my wife who passed away in the small hours of the 22nd Nov. Not something I am looking forward to. And still it seems totally unreal that's she's gone and secondly tomorrow is here funeral!
  • That 'conversation' with the doctor


    ...i wondered if this day would come

    went in to see my wife today, got taken for a private chat with the doctor and he told me that he didn't think she would make it, weirdly it came as no real shock to me and i think i took it very well!

    The hardest thing was the facing up to it afterwards with the conversations about what we should put in place for our son, something i'd never thought of was things like birthday…

  • Not even gone yet..but memories

    Today the doctors basically told me there nothing they can do for my wife My thoughts at the moments are being alone, well not alone our 3 year old son is here, but being alone in the house without my wife, we spent virtually every day of the past 10 years together, she was my life and everything I did orientated around her and our son But anyway anyone else had that feeling when your looking around the house of…