some of the strange things you have to do after someone dies...

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...was doing the online Tesco shop, as you do! And they have a list of favourites or regular buys on there. Today going though it I noticed all the specific stuff my wife used to buy, especially toiletries. There is that feeling of betrayal when I removed them.

So very strange!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Member,

    I know what you mean. Its as if you are wipeing your wife away, as if she didnt exist. But she did exist and will always be there in your heart and memories. It was something you had to do no betrayal.  You look after yourself.  May your wife R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    I know what you mean too when I helped my Dad with my Stepmums things.Take care of yourself.Hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    it feels such a strange things to do, like you say its like wiping away her memory. But I know I'm not and it just show that they are just 'stuff' and on their own they are not important, but what its priceless is the memory that object holds, whether a toothbrush or wedding ring!!