Not even gone yet..but memories

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Today the doctors basically told me there nothing they can do for my wife My thoughts at the moments are being alone, well not alone our 3 year old son is here, but being alone in the house without my wife, we spent virtually every day of the past 10 years together, she was my life and everything I did orientated around her and our son But anyway anyone else had that feeling when your looking around the house of the memories everything and object has, even silly things like my wife was the last person to touch that book, or she bought that jar of jam, and then more so that her hair brush, clothes, etc.
  • FormerMember
    Have done that exact thing, walking around my mums house. Every thing you see sends you down memory lane. My mum has lung cancer which is spread to her bones. She is having radiotherapy & also chemotherapy if she's strong and well enough. Even still the life expectancy the docs have given is 3-6 months or 6-12 with chemo. So sorry that they've told you that there's no more that can be done. I feel so helpless, imagine that you feel similar. All you can do is be there for your wife and your son, try to think of things to do if she is well enough. Start a memory book, so your son can look at it any time he wants as he grows up. Hope this helps.
  • FormerMember

    Dear justanothermember,

    I too have a spouse who is terminally ill, as do many others on here, and I dont know whether you might like to look at/take part in a thread named 'living with a terminally ill spouse' I for one have found it extremely helpful during this dreadful time.

    Sending you strength and hugs x

  • FormerMember


    Thanks for the comments and support! I just got back from visiting today. It sounds a little similar to your Mum, its spread elsewhere in her body and she's having a 5 day radiotheraphy course and they're going to discuss chemo on Monday - I haven't dare ask what they think about life expectancy

    You do feel helpless and for me it still feels like it really can't be happening and I'll wake up! The memory book it a great idea. It would be something to do with my wife - especially as she spend all her time with him since he was born.

    I actually posted on the living with terminally ill thread in the early hours of this morning! Dreadful is a spot on description for it all!!


    Thanks again!

  • FormerMember

    Room for anyone else in the boat? My wife is also terminally ill, we also have a young one (a year old on the weekend) and though she should have a few years left, it's all incredibly daunting. I know exactly what you mean about the "I'll wake up" feeling. It's all so absurdly unreal. The memory book idea is a good one.

    Hang on in there and take care.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Worried Hubby

    I wish you didn't even have to get in the boat!! So sorry to hear your in the same situation. Its gotta be so hard looking at a 1 year old, I feel for you. I hope your managing ok and getting good support. 

    Our GP referred me to a health visitor today who I spoke to and she told me it hard to take help, but whatever help your offered - to take it. I think she could be right. 

    Take care too!