The Strange Journey

  • Appointment with Gynae/Oncologist today


    So appointment went ahead today they was ringing to give me a surgery date before l saw the Consultant which l found strange. So when we get there after a nightmare journey we find out he is running over an hour late lol. He tells us that although its unstaged it is at least a 1b...... thats good well at least l think it is. Surgery date is set for 7th June when l will have a Radical vulvetomy and bilateral sentinal node…

  • Thought it would to go back to work but.........


    Well after my week in Cornwall with the kids l thought l might as well go back to work while l am still ok to do so. So spoke to managers who agreed l could come back but on the condition l be referred to Occupational health ..... not really sure what they are gonna do or say but l said ok . So it was all arranged l returned to work today knowing that l will eventually have to go off sick again, when l arrived at 7am…

  • Everything seems unreal


    This feels so unfair.....yes l know a silly thing to say but l just want to scream it right out, why me why now. The last two and a half years have been so hard physically and mentally and now this. I have endured and overcome the repair of a vault collaspe following a hysterectomy which caused both my bowel and bladder to prolaspe and then sudden incontrollable asthma attacks that put me on life support when then they…