Appointment with Gynae/Oncologist today

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So appointment went ahead today they was ringing to give me a surgery date before l saw the Consultant which l found strange. So when we get there after a nightmare journey we find out he is running over an hour late lol. He tells us that although its unstaged it is at least a 1b...... thats good well at least l think it is. Surgery date is set for 7th June when l will have a Radical vulvetomy and bilateral sentinal node execision. If these come back as positive if no infection is present then he will reoperate within 14 days and do radiotherapy. Feel sort of shell shocked as its wait wait wait then fast fast fast. Can anyone on here tell me what to expect during recovery..............just want it over with now , so pre op friday and surgery following week

  • FormerMember

    I can't answer your question on recovery but wanted to wish you well for the op and journey ahead... it is so hard this sitting waiting and waiting and wondering and then suddenly its all go, go, go.... try and enjoy this bit of time before it all starts if you can and do some fun things.

    Consultants seem to always overrun... mine is usually  2-3 hours late even if you are one of the first on the list!

    Big hug

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Little My l know exactly what you mean about them always being late but then l suppose if they were late cus they were doing something for me l wont mind but it just increases that anxiety. Thank you so much for the luck l am sensing l am going to need it. Today feel a little shell shocked and there seems to be lists appearing everywhere with things to do before l go into hospital. The main one is getting the children sorted as they will be on holiday from school when l go in and also my youngest son makes his Holy Communion 11 days after my surgery. This is something that l cant postpone so there is a whole rethink happening for his special day..................did try and get consultant to agree another date but as its already been 4 weeks since l last saw him he didnt advise that l wait so l have just gone ahead and the rest will be sorted ...... somehow. So for now plod on looking at the lists and crossing things off as l get them done.

    Thank you so much for your good wishes

    Mandy xx

  • FormerMember

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