Everything seems unreal

5 minute read time.

This feels so unfair.....yes l know a silly thing to say but l just want to scream it right out, why me why now. The last two and a half years have been so hard physically and mentally and now this. I have endured and overcome the repair of a vault collaspe following a hysterectomy which caused both my bowel and bladder to prolaspe and then sudden incontrollable asthma attacks that put me on life support when then they find out that my stomach contents are leaking into my lungs every time l lie down or bend over as l have no muscle left at the top of my stomach. So surgery and surgery horrid tests after test and then l felt well .......yes well....... l had returned to work following these surgeries which were only months apart and had only just got back to working the same shifts l was before this.

Crazy crazy l only went to the drs because l kept getting abcesses more and more antibiotics they hurt like hell but l didnt feel unwell. So the 3rd time l go back he decides l need a fast track because ' things dont look right' oh ok what do you mean l ask never dreaming of what he would say next. I think you need to see a specialist to rule out cancer.......what do you mean cancer its probably noy but it needs to be looked at. Of course it was the day before Good Friday and we all know that hospitals dont function over a bank holiday weekend and so the waiting began!!! l was seen ten days later and three biopsies were taken from different points one directly from the Clitoris which by the way l screamed out loud when he put the needle in there........so so painful. The dr said it probably nothing if its anything bad we will call you in the next two weeks if its ok we will see you in clinic in four weeks time. So more waiting hoping and praying that they dont call me then four days later l get a call..... my results are back the consultant wants to see me........ it cant be good news my head spins into overdrive l get sent home from work yes you got it to wait another 4 days grrr the waiting drives me crazy. So now it has been three weekends in a row waiting  first the referral, then the biopsy and then the results.

My mom came with me that day since l split with my husband three years ago we arrive there is no one else in clinic which is strange and then we see my consultant doesnt have a clinic that day very strange. I give me my name the receptionist rings the consultant on her mobile and she comes straight down ......another bad sign l feel and then she whispers something to the receptionist who then makes another call. Head is in overdrive and l knew exactly what she was going to say but she threw me some because she said you look quite calm.................mm calm no inside my heart was thumbing felt like it was coming out of my chest and l felt sick, l have never seen my mom look so scared as she looked at that moment. The dr confirmed that all three biopsies were cancer but every question we had she couldnt answer because she didnt deal with this sort of cancer. I wanted to scream at her what do you mean why am l here then but she told me that she had referred me to another hospital on the day she got my results so go home and my cancer nurse who would support me would call me the next day to answer any questions and l would here within next few days from new hospital.

So more waiting the appointment comes but no call from my cancer nurse ......does she evern know that she was supposed to ring l feel so lost and alone. The appointment with Gyn/Onco didnt really help either. the biopsies had been labelled wrong so instead of left , right, clitoris they were recorded as left left right and also the one thing that he needed was the depth and these were not recorded. He said that to have a biopsy of the clitoris under local was cruel and he always did it under general...........................mmmmm thanks for that info not.. He said he had to request the original  samples so that his own team could do the histology on them themselves. I told him you are not doing that to me again no no of course not he would recall my samples so now the wait continues.

So where am l today? l am unsure of everything do l have cancer ? dont l have cancer? is it anywhere else? do l need lymph nodes removed too? dont l need any other tests? bowel has played up since l found out is it stress or something else ? do l mention it and appear paranoid or ignore it and hope it settles? two urine infections why now? is that to do with it too? do l mention that? everything feels not real its like the world is carring on around me and l am standing in this haze of uncertainty..............l just need to know what the hell is going on in my body.....l need someone to explain it all to me!!! are they doing no other tests because they think its ok or because they know its ok or are they waiting until he has biopsied them all again and got all the info. I am pinning my hopes on the 28th that it gives me some answers because these thoughts drive me crazy especially at night when l have settled the kids down........hence the fact l have made this blog at 2am because once again l am awake with just my own thoughts.

Im sorry its so long and that l have rambled on so much but l just feel lost and a little crazy right now........................................if you did manage to read all my moaning and groaning im sorry it went on so long and thank you for reading

Mandy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy, waiting is always the worst part. We are all impatient at this stage. Anyone with cancer wants rid of it as soon as possible, but the team assessing you will want to know exactly what they are dealing with and often this cannot be rushed.

    Rest assured that everything is happening as quickly as possible so that you can be given the best treatment. Never worry about being paranoid since all cancer patients are paranoid! If something is worrying you mention it; usually it is not related to cancer, but the reassurance is important and most specialists realise that.

    Good luck, I hope you get the support you need soon, and more important any treatment you need.

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Mandy you certainly have been through the mill with your health haven't you. Writing it all down on a blog just helps to get it all out so you write away anytime on here.

    As Colin says, the waiting is the worst part, we just want answers and a treatment plan to start. I do hope you get those answers soon.

    Let us know how you go on and good luck xx

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Colin and Jan for your replies

    I guess just getting it all out on paper has helped alot and now l feel calmer again which always seems so easy in the day when l can occupy myself with other things. The kids keep me pretty ocupied most of the time and we just returned from 5 days in Cornwall which was great to have with them.

    I suppose when l was in Cornwall it was like this wasnt really happening and we just focused on fun fun and more fun.......... we even went to the beach and went into the sea which was freezing by the way lol. So l guess for now its just a case of being patient which l am not very good at usually so this is angonising lol.

    My youngest child makes his first Holy Communion next month so l think for now that will have to be my focus planning all of that.....................so just will keep taking each moment as it comes and deal with the torrent of conflicting emotions and thoughts that keep flying in and out of my head.

    I hope you are both ok and once again

    Thank you it means alot to not feel so alone and to know that here are people here who dont think l am crackers.......but then again l just maybe but for now onwards and upwards

    Mandy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    I can empathise with the holidays away and not wanting to come back to reality. After my Radiotherapy and whilst I was on chemo (tablet form), hubby and I escaped to the Cotswolds and travelled wherever the car took us for a week. We ended up in South Wales and travelled back up to North Wales and across the border home. It was a lovely adventure and one that we never wanted to end. Our emotions were strange to say the least on our last day knowing I was due to go for my surgery on return.

    Here I am two years on and luckily things are looking good at present and fingers crossed that it continues, so I cross my fingers and toes for you and your hubby that your outcome is a positive one too.

    Onwards and upwards

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Oops just realised I wrote fingers crossed for dyou and hubby instead of you and your kids xxxxxxxxx

    I've got a daughter 25 and a son 22, it's pretty hard for them isn't it? but they are amazing and whatever would we do without them?