The Strange Journey

  • Does it improve ??


    Went to see my consultant armed with my mom and a whole list of questions. Seems to me that everything is so so matter of l even matter in all of this l am beginning to wonder. The last doc left me with the information that although there is no spread to lymph nodes margins were VIN 3 in a few places. Ok so now l want to know what that means for me

    they will monitor me every 3 months............…

  • Dont know whats wrong with me


    This infection and gaping wound is really getting me down, l am so tired and my mood is so low. I looked at the wound trying to reasure myself that this will all come good but does it no it doesnt. I cant bear the way that my body looks right now yet l have to keep looking. Dont know wether l am looking for improvement or just to make sure its no worse but l just keep doing it. I cant even wee properly l have tried every…

  • Emotions all over the place


    Today was a really strange day l went to hospital to have my wounds checked as l have a temperature and oozing from my wounds plus a big lump next to my groin wound. So l get there and get asked to get undressed and a different doc comes in saying l have good news for you................. my heart is skipping a beat waiting for him to elaborate but he didnt for a while. He examined my wounds and said l have a cyst from…

  • I have been busy busy busy


    Well l have tried to stay as busy as possible as l have been off work since my uncle died last week. Suppose its a good job that l have been off really as there has been so much to get ready. But now everything is in place for my sons communion wether l am out of hospital or not ...... think l will be devasted if l have to miss it but have to do what needs to be done in order to be here for them in the long run. The whole…

  • sad sad day


    today l am sad really sad ............when l was at work l had a message to say my uncle had just died. This has created l dont know what in me but the teasr wont stop and right now im so scared. My dear friend just sent me this song and wanted to share it here but not sure its allowed but l will try. If l am breaking any rules l am so so sorry its not my intention
    Mandy xxxx