
Less than one minute read time.
Morning all... I received my appointment for my endoscopy this morning and wanted some advice, the thought of swallowing the camera is horrific, and swayed with the sedation.. However got my info leaflet as well, now if I be a big brave girl it should last about 10 mins. However if I have sedation ill be there about 2 hours. 10 min procedure or hang around for 2 hours while sedation wears off. I'm swaying for the be a big brave girl and I'll be in and out in 10 mins. Not going to be nice, but I don't particularly like hanging around hospitals although I'm going to be doing a lot more of that than I would like to. Opinions wanted from anyone who has had an endoscopy before. how horrific is the procedure? Would you recommend sedation or being a big brave girl and just have a bit of local spray at the back of my throat? Much appreciated for any input as always. X
  • FormerMember

    Hi Kellista,

    I had a trans-osepheagal echo which looks at the back of the heart by the same method going down the throat with a camera.  I had sedation a drug called medazolan - it was fantastic didnt know a thing about it. All I remember is them calling my name and telling me it was all over.  I didnt go down the big brave girl route at all I am afraid I just couldnt do it.  But I do recommend the sedation route.  It didnt take me long to pull myself together afterwards, I had a cup of tea and I was off out of there.  Hope I have given you one side of the coin to think about.

    Julia x 

  • FormerMember

    I've only had the camera up the other end and have had it done both with and without sedation.  I prefer the without because of being alert, listening to whats going on and getting out quick.  But whatever you decide will be right for you.  Good luck with it.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kellista

    My partner had the endoscopy and initially wanted to have it without sedation and just the spray at the back of the throat but on the day he changed his mind and opted for the sedation, he said they didnt somehow give him enough sedation and he still could feel the camera going down him, it was not a pleasant experience he said!! They couldnt go too far down anyway because he had a large tumour blocking the way so it didnt last very long. I know other people who have had it done and they said they didnt feel anything so I guess it depends on each individual. I know if I had to have it done I woud ask for the spray and the sedation coz Im a bit squeamish!!

    I hope it goes well and is painless for you. Please let us know how you get on.

    Take care

    Chrystèle xx

  • FormerMember

    I don't think you will have to make a decision immediately, they told us they can put a line in ready for sedation if it becomes too much, so you could see how you go and then if it's too much you could ask for sedation at any point.

    Good luck.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I have only had one up my bum with no sedation, (didn't even offer it haha)  but I think throats I would say give me it as I have a thing about choking....but that is just me.

     2 hours isn't long to wait to come round really and I had to wait about half an hour after mine without the sedation just to check I was ok...  so I wouldn't worry about the time scale of things.

    I would say if you are going to worry about it from now until it, then opt for the sedation as the hours of worry and sleepless nights will be a lot more than a couple of nights. If you are not going to lie awake thinking about it, then do the 10 mins. No prizes for bravery etc in this game. You learn pretty quick to do what works for you.

    Good luck with it

    Little my x