The page in the book I never wanted to read.....

  • An update


    Evening all.

    Its been a while since ive been on, and thought i best give an update to what has been happening.

    Ill be honest and say since going back to work ive not had a lot of time to do anything.  I work long hours over 4 days so that i can have 3 days off, so by the time i sit down im ready for my bed, which doesn't leave a lot of time to do anything. 

    Its probably the best medicine i could of hoped for as…

  • 1st day of chemo


    Well after a fbusy day at work, chemo day beings.

    I am receiving Carboplatin only.

    I in the chemo until for just under 2 hours, but wired up to the drop for about 45 mins only.

    The nurses were lovely, the atmosphere was somewhat nice, not somber as you might think, and i came out of the whole experience feeling a lot more positive.

    I know the chemo i am having mgiht not do anything as the mucinous carcinoma doesnt…

  • Results are in and chemo starts tomorrow.................


    Hey all,  Hope you are all as well as possibly can be.........


    Its been a busy week, as you know I had an endoscopy last Wednesday and they biopsies a Polp they found.

    As you all probably guessed by now im a worrier!  I worry so much I scare myself sometimes!.

    Anyway I had a brilliant weekend away for a friends hen weekend, which was fantastic, no poorly heads either which is a first, but was so nice to get away from…

  • I was brave.....but could well now crumble!


    Afternoon all,


    I hope you are enjoying the sun,  its so lovely to see some nice weather at long last.

    Its been a rollercoaster journey this week all very busy.

    Went back to work on Monday, which wasnt at all as bad as i thought, in fact its quite nice to be back and regain some normallity.

    Ive come accross the i want to know everything as well as the i dont want to know anything.

    Thankfully there was no sympathy…

  • Life must go on................


    Evening all.


    Well its been a busy and unexpected weekend here...


    For those who know i was at the doctors on Friday and managed to get a fit for work note.  So as of tomorrow I am offically working again.  She has signed me for a 2 week phased return, and i have agreed with my boss that 4 hours a day for the first week is fine, and then we will sort the second week.  I was so excited to be going back and getting into…