What next??

2 minute read time.

So my mood last night was pretty doom and gloom after my not so better other half was an incensitive A&*%hole!!!

Anyhow all forgiven, and this morning i go off to the docs with him!!

He suffers from high blood pressure and is medicated for this.  He is an absolute swine when it comes to him taking his medication and to be honest if he could get away with it, he plain and simply wouldnt, which he quite often does.Anyhow after all the comotion with me this year, once i was right i gave him a good sharp kick up the backside and basically said there is no room in this house for 2 people to be ill, so you best get those tablets taken!  So he dutifully does and his blood pressure somewhere near stabilises.  He had his bloods done last week, and due to him not taking his meds for so long, he has run out of one of his tablets.  He went back today to get his pescription for this and the result of his blood tests. 

Good news comes, your meds are fine, slap on the wrist get them took more often!!

Bad news - your blood results show an abnormality which could mean there is a possibility that you have live failure.

Holy flippin smoke!! what a smack in the face that one was too!

My other half doesn't drink very often, in fact it was over 3 weeks ago he last had a drink and then it was one night of drinking with his brother and that was about it!.. So the doctor says his liver could be in shock from this, and that they will need to do further tests.  So he has another appointment to have further bloods done.  So i can not hope and pray enough that it was something like this, and his next blood results come back fine.

I had to hold back the tears in the car.  Could this year possibly get any flippin worse.

Cancer for me, liver failure for him.  Those poor bloody kids, what a pair of parents they were given eh!!!

Anyhow got home and give myself a good kick up the bum, things will be fine, no matter what is thrown we will get through it and hopefully one day return to some sort of normallity if that is at all possible.

Cup of tea sorts everything out, cuddle and on with the day we go.

Next phone buzzes, with a text off my sister. 

Bad news - our mother has lost the plot!!!

My mother has suffered from mental illness for a long time, that has gradually got worse, but as she wont admit she has a problem and is not deemed a risk to herself or others there is basically nothing in the world we can do!  So here lies a problem, there are no safety nets of help in place for this for her.

 What it is no body knows as apparently in her world its is everyone else who is ill not her and will not allow any help or tests to be performed.

So a call to the doctor for her has happened and we now await the call back as to what the heck to do! 

So a pretty crappy day so far surely there can't be any more bad news this year!

So a decision has been made, we are just going to write 2012 off already as the biggest, crappest, most shit (excuse the french) year ever, and the next will be better!

It bloody better be anyway!!

  • FormerMember

    Hey Kellista,

    If Carlsberg did bad days this would be one !! Sending you huge hugs hun ,,,that is just another huge ton of poo on 2012 that's for sure

    I really don;t know what words I can offer except we are all here to support each other and we can at least offload, try and laugh and share the cr*p

    I work in Older people's mental health - so hey can at least help you there, I am a dementia geek - no joke , so if anything relative inbox me and i will help. Whilst I am inbetween diagnosis limbo use my brain to help you and distract any worries I have lurking

    My mum used to say and I use this - It's a great life if you don't weaken - stay strong

    Hugs xox

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kellista and Sassy too,

    Know where you are coming from about a terrible year. I lost my dear husband in June last year, in 4 weeks it will be the first anniversary and I am struggling with horrible memories at the moment.

    But another thing, my mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia 2 days after his funeral and I have been her carer since then. I was my husbands carer for 3 years up to the day he died. So yes I agree totally life is sh....t.

    I went to a 'dementia conference' today. Whoopeee a day out. It was actually quite helpfull and I got my lunch out. It was good to meet people in the same boat as me [well a similar boat].  Found out about help mum can get, but she wont actually accept she has this disease so its a bit difficult to broach the subject with her.

    Sorry for the moan,

    love jmd xxx

  • FormerMember

    Blimey, you are having a ripe old time of it!!! I have had periods of my life when everyhting seems to go wrong non stop but you do start to come out the other side after a while, so hang on in there and make sure he takes his tablets!

    Sorry, I am a bit tired tonight so just popped in to send you a big  hug


    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all your support :) means a lot. 

    I have to say reading some of my posts on here, its all bad news and dark!  I didnt actually realise how theraputic is was to just write the crap stuff down.  Its like having a sounding board, and all you lovely people offer your kind words of support, when you are going through so much yourself.

    Honestly as much as it doesnt sound it, im not full of darkness haha! 


  • FormerMember

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