An update

2 minute read time.

Evening all.

Its been a while since ive been on, and thought i best give an update to what has been happening.

Ill be honest and say since going back to work ive not had a lot of time to do anything.  I work long hours over 4 days so that i can have 3 days off, so by the time i sit down im ready for my bed, which doesn't leave a lot of time to do anything. 

Its probably the best medicine i could of hoped for as it keeps me very busy, and keeps my googling at bay.

From my last update, ive had 2 lots of chemo in total now.  I am only receiving carboplatin, and think ive been pretty lucky with the side effects so far. Nothing really major just the odd niggle here and there which are all the be expected.

My results came back from the endoscopy as dysplasia but the upper GI people are not concerned with it so dont want to do anything else about that for now. 

My mouth problems got better but then got worse with the treatment, so I still have no idea if the problems are an infection, bacerial or now just from the chemo! However I have been to see an ENT about my lump on my tonsil which he is not concerned about but he will give me a biopsy to put my mind at rest.  Thats in August so a bit of a wait but his words will be repeated in my head daily that its nothing to worry about!

If you read my blog in the beginning of all this, you will also know i had pain under my right rib and gouged my poor liver for days wondering what it was, well i eventually went to the docs who thought it could be gall stones, but happy to report there is none, but i do have an enlarged gallbladder to which it could be from me passing a gallstone, but nothing sinister or nasty showed up so thats all good as far as i know.

In short its been a busy month with not a lot of spare time. But my life has moved on so much since my first diagnosis, and i can honestly say that the support that i received on here from all you lovely people who are also going to hell and back has been tremendous and so kind.Words could not describe how much comfort i received from you all, and i hope i can give some in return if i ever get to sit down enough to get on here.

Anyway i will just end, witha  huge thank you and i hope everyone is doing as well as they can be.

much love




  • FormerMember

    So glad to read you are on the up and up. You sound very busy and vey positive. It's really good too that you are able to work through your chemo with minimal side effects and I hope it continues.

    Very best wishes to you, and onwards and upwards always,

    Take care

    Jan x