The nightmare begins

  • week 6 or 7


    Well things have taken a big step this week . Mum has taken a turn for the worst and has had to have even more tablets now (32 a day !) She is feeling tired and has become unable to walk or even stand unaided.  She has been taken to the hospice where she sleeps most of the time . strangely though she seems peaceful and relaxed .They are really lovely there.Meanwhile I cannot sleep and am worrying myself silly . Mum has…

  • Week 2


    well Sunday Mum felt really poorly ,I got her back into hospital and after investigations the Tumour in her brain is back .. totally shocked that it has come back within the month. so suddenly the liver tumours take a back seat and its what to do about the brain tumour again . Mum has been told it is terminal and that any treatment will only manage the syptoms . She is deciding what to do ,, she keeps asking me what to…

  • Week 1


    this week we went to the hospital to discuss radio therapy  to the brain . It was decided that the liver cancer was more important as the tumour  in the brain has been removed . So next week off to a different hospital to discuss chemo therapy to the liver . Mum is still being very brave  mean while I am having nightmares quite literally when I do sleep. She has her beloved dog back with her keeping her company and i have…

  • Mum


    Mum was treated for bowel cancer 3 years ago and fought terrible odds 2 major operations ,and 2 heart attacks,Then in December 2011 was admitted to hospital with breathing difficulties. after 4 weeks in hospital of various tests  she went into a coma, she had a brain scan, this revealed hydrokephilis (water on the brain ) due to a tumour blocking the brain stem, She had 2 operations a drain and then removal of the tumour…