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Mum was treated for bowel cancer 3 years ago and fought terrible odds 2 major operations ,and 2 heart attacks,Then in December 2011 was admitted to hospital with breathing difficulties. after 4 weeks in hospital of various tests  she went into a coma, she had a brain scan, this revealed hydrokephilis (water on the brain ) due to a tumour blocking the brain stem, She had 2 operations a drain and then removal of the tumour . she recovered well from that although she was confused for a few days. then last Friday the devistating news that she has 2 tumours on the liver and that odds were poor and that she will receive palliative care.On Tuesday this week she went home feeling fine although  weak and we begin the process... Monday we go to the Oncology department to discuss options . What a week I feel as if I am in a bubble .. goodness knows what mum is feeing but despite everything she has been through she is keeping a brave face 
