Week 2

1 minute read time.

well Sunday Mum felt really poorly ,I got her back into hospital and after investigations the Tumour in her brain is back .. totally shocked that it has come back within the month. so suddenly the liver tumours take a back seat and its what to do about the brain tumour again . Mum has been told it is terminal and that any treatment will only manage the syptoms . She is deciding what to do ,, she keeps asking me what to do but its her choice not mine ,if it was mine it would be for her not to be in this situation . She is so brave , I know she is scared but wow so brave and fighting all the way. mean while when I am on my own I cry till my heart nearly breaks ,but for her I put on a smile have the hugs ready and the tissues. so if you see someone driving up or down the M6 crying their eyes out then its proberly me !! She has been given a big steriod dose and she is back at home the consultant says that many patients with similar condition would be laid up in bed by now . so next week we see the consultant about Radio therapy to the brain . 

thank you to everyone and their kind comments I havent worked out how to reply to you all yet . but thankyou for your support xxx


  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you and your Mum Debs.  Can't say much else as my kid brother is not going to be with us much longer so I know how you are feeling.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx