week 6 or 7

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Well things have taken a big step this week . Mum has taken a turn for the worst and has had to have even more tablets now (32 a day !) She is feeling tired and has become unable to walk or even stand unaided.  She has been taken to the hospice where she sleeps most of the time . strangely though she seems peaceful and relaxed .They are really lovely there.Meanwhile I cannot sleep and am worrying myself silly . Mum has said she thinks she is getting near to the end and today when I left she started crying , when I asked why she said it might be the last time she sees me .. my heart nearly snapped in two. 

Dreading the next week 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs.Im so sorry.It must be awful for you.You do need to try and get some sleep though otherwise you will be ill.Maybe see your gp.Take care,hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry you are both having such a tough time....it is a very hard road to walk I know....I lost my beloved Dad tonight.  It does help to know though that we had said all we needed to say, having so much time to prepare.....not much consolation I know but then this isn't a situation with much to be had.   Wishing you courage....I never thought I would be able to cope with this but you know, you find the courage even when you think you have none left.  Thinking of you with kindness XXXX