The ballad of my father.

  • FormerMember

    Hey guys, I hope you're all having a good week!

    Did you see the weather today? it was 23C here today! (south coast/dorset) Sublime!


    Its been a while since I've written anything here, so let me apologize!

    Last Monday dad went to see his consultant, which we all have been dreading as a family... 
    but it was really positive news, dad has been prescribed Sutent  which i remember everyone raving about being super…

  • So this is life going back to normal.


    this week marks three weeks since diagnosis, and everything seems to be slowly going back to 'normal'

    Myself, my brother and my mum are all back to work, and the sense of 'ultimate urgency' that he last few days and weeks suffered has subsided.

    Dad has his first appointment with the renal consultant next week to discuss his treatment, which is fantastic.

    Is it bad that I don't want to know any of the…

  • First entry


    I will start by saying i'm not good with words, so i'll just say this how I think/feel is right :)

    So its been a week to the day since my father was diagnosed with stage four terminal kidney cancer, it has also spread to his lymph nodes. 

    This destroyed everything i knew about my world, my dad is my hero, he's trained elephants for travelling zoo's, lived in Singapore as a teenager,
    he's survived tour…