First entry

1 minute read time.

I will start by saying i'm not good with words, so i'll just say this how I think/feel is right :)

So its been a week to the day since my father was diagnosed with stage four terminal kidney cancer, it has also spread to his lymph nodes. 

This destroyed everything i knew about my world, my dad is my hero, he's trained elephants for travelling zoo's, lived in Singapore as a teenager,
he's survived tour's of duty in Ireland, Cyprus, and Iraq,
He's even driven trucks long distance across Europe and various other jobs and adventures.
He's seen and done things i can only dream of seeing and doing...

Hero worship and admiration doesn't even begin to cover what I feel for this man.

Just the tiniest thought of him dying shook me to my core, so many emotions and thoughts sped through my head.
Anger, sadness, disgust, horror, sheer disbelief....

I cried harder that night than I ever have before... I barely slept, I was physically sick and numb.

The following day after a transfer to another local hospital, we were given an ultimate truth and the the few options we had to begin with.
1) do nothing at all and face the possibility of just three weeks.

2) have his kidney removed and treat the rest of the cancer (which would yield the best results but a longer treatment period)

3) leave the kidney alone and treat the cancer as a whole (which would yield a lower result but act quicker)

He decided to have the infected kidney removed, and he starts treatment on the 14th 

but since then he seems so much better, he's in a lot of pain but he's perked up so much, he is a lot happier and seems to be back to himself.

The amount of people who have offered help and support is overwhelming, my friends have been so helpful and understanding, 
people from our family's past have appeared from nowhere to help, ex armed forces/truckers who my dad worked with 30 odd years ago appear our door to see him.

knowing that these people are out there, just blows my mind.

its still early days with it all, but i feel positive everything will be okay for the time being, 

i have some anger issues i'm working out, because i cant carry on being this person whilst my dad is ill.

anyway, if you've read this thanks :D



  • FormerMember

    Hi Graham,

    I just red your post, and it all made perfect sense. I wouldn't worry about being bad with words or going off at a tangent, (which incidentally you didn't) cancer does not make easy writing or reading.

    To be fair I always believed (my own experience) that getting something down in words does in some small way help, a little bit of getting it off your chest.

    Whilst I am fighting cancer, I have also lost many friends to this bloody awful disease so I do know both sides of dealing with this shit. Excuse my swearing.

    Your Dad sounds like a truly amazing person, what a lucky person you are to have him. I hope both you and your Dad can fight the good fight and share some great time together. The fact that you don't feel like the normal you is in fact quite normal, life has just been turned upside down.

    My best wishes for you and your Dad.


  • FormerMember
    Thinking of you Graham. This terrible disease turns your life upside down. Just take it 1 day at a time. This site is amazing for support and advice. X
  • Hello Graham what you said and how you said it makes perfect sense.The love you have for your dad shines through every word.Your dad sounds like a man who has lived a full life and lived it well so it is of little wonder that you look on him as your hero.He has done so many things and been to so many places and as you say some could only dream of.It does suprise us how many people sometimes people you would have not thought of or even strangers who come to support us when they hear of our diagnosis and please accept those offers of support.Im sure your dad seeing his old comrades/friends will also give him a.much needed boost and help that positivity to grow.Cancer does turn your world upside down and send your emotions all over the place and this site is a good place to let it all out and a place you will find support especially in the days ahead.Tim is right use whatever time there is to spend with your dad make some good and lasting memories I wish you and your dad all good things and send you both a huge warm hug Scraton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Graham, my mum is riddled with cancer,and mum and dad are finding it difficult to talk about it and what is going to happen, i want to scream as there is so much i want to say and talk about but she is not ready to except, and i worried as we dont know how long she has, she is in middle of chemo and i dont know what will happen if she will be able to communicate with me later on, will i miss the time when she doesnt know what she is saying, i want my mum back, its so difficult, ive just joined on here, but finding it haqrd to find the right groups so i can talk to people in this terrible shit situation, if ever you want to talk just as, mandy.   its been 3 weeks since she started chemo, she has had radio, what i am finding is if she has a good day i have one, if she has bad, i do. there are no easy ways of dealing with it,but i have found you have to take it hour by hour , and if you need to vent, vent, as bottling it up is awful, find a good friend to be able to do this with as i have found that some of your good friends just dissapear as they dont know how to deal with it. Im here for you if need to talk, My mother is my world.


    mandy xxxx