
  • A short Grump. (but manage to cheer myself up the end ha ha)


    My lovely friend Sunny whom I love so much and wish i could hug for real  is having a bad day and quite rightly so.

    I am having a bad day and not rightly so at all... in the great scheme of things it isn't a big deal. I am alive and the sun is shining and my friends are all so much worse off than me and I should be making you laugh and smile and supporting instead so....

     excuse this grump. Its just a little one…

  • Having a bad day? you need a Cancer Card...


    My 'warped' mates know this already, but there are a few others that I think need this and haven't found warped so here it is for you....(charlie and armchair and hilary  especially)...  enjoy!

    Warped mates, will do another silly soon... big hugs to you xxx

    Feeling Tired? Fed Up? Listless? Hairless?

    Or just can’t be bothered...

    You need the Cancer Card!

    Little My Cancer Card services for all your…

  • In which LM braves the Trolls to buy a cooker....


    Little My is getting bored eating take-aways as our new house doesn't have a cooker.. so today was the day we had to ...

    Go And Buy A Cooker!       Eeek.

    This meant getting up rather early and driving a long way from the little middle of nowhere town to the big town with big shops that might sell cookers.

    Before we start, if anyone reading this works at either of the electrical appliance shops beginning with C, no offence…

  • Gettin used to the New Normal (or not)


    Finally got internet so can get back on here and chat (oh no, too many words I hear you say) Ha ha I have got a week's worth....!

    I love my new house. It is dirty and needs new everything but I love it. What I love best of all is that things work.... those of you that have been reading these tomes all along know that often in Little My's world Mr Sod Law likes to visit and stuff goes wrong at annoying times... well…

  • THe Big Move (including things that shouldn't ha ha)



    I am sat in the staffroom with my laptop and pretending to look busy and studious. Guess I did well managing 3 days without you all....

    This is going to have to be short cos I am at work and can't type for long (hoorah you lot say)

    What bugs me is I can't see what you lot have been up to or say hi to most of you without going through some long rigmarole of looking up each of you individually.…