
  • Check up day- Waste of a Rolo? maybe not after all!


    I woke up this morning and was feelin blue dad a dad a daaaan... sorry I’m not a blues singer.

    I woke up this morning a little scared as it was GC day. Checked phone as it was blinking at me. Messages of good luck and appendages crossed from my mac family and a text from Ems too.  Nothing from my real family, but they are miles away and forget and friends don’t want to talk about it really so... thanks Mac family…

  • this week I are mostly... had a headache.. can't imagine why :o)


    Thought I ought to fill you in on the last few days before it becomes the mother of all blogs and you collapse from exhuastion not even half way through... not sure how funny it will be but lets take a turn aorund the lawn of Little My's last few days and see what happens along those perambulations... (Jane Austen just been unpacked)

    So, last we heard, Little My  was on the naughty step, lying down not doing much.…

  • In which LM discovers her invincible pants are perhaps vincible after all (is that a word?)


    Errr hmmmm well, you see.. it was like this.... well it wasn't really my fault, I mean.... well... errrrr well, there were these strong pants and... well, shuffling of feet, staring at the floor....

    Oh sod it.. here goes. starts out ok...

    Little My has her invincible strong pants on. Her bag has been empty all day... this is a litte disconcerting as maybe the strong pants are a bit too strong and things are backing…

  • Invincible Little My in her Big Strong Pants!!


    So, Little My had a busy Wednesday getting her intestines put in their place (getting far too above themselves these days)  and meeting maccy people for real(Cariad9) and then a parents evening where  she forgot that she hadn’t seen this lot of parents since BC so couldn’t sneak away early cos there were queues of parents wanting to say

    ‘How lovely to see you, you are so brave, you look so well, how is it all…

  • Bonuses all round...what a funny day!


    What a busy day.....

    what a bloomin weird day...

    Started with Blood test at the GPs. Last one said some things were a little low so needed a retest in 4 weeks. Ok.... so troop down to surgery and nice nurse does her stab, ouch thing but gets the blood out first time...

    Are you having the flu jab she says?

    Well, you sent me a letter saying I should get one says LM who doesn't usually like stuff like that (but then…