
  • Bye for now.. moving house and no internet


    What a concatonation of events...

    The site is taken over my the mad Evil Baron Slowsite with his fighter jets and slowness and no warped and Little My is moving house and won't have internet for a week.  eeeek

    Tonight was my last night to catch up with you lot and check you are ok etc and I still can't get on to anything except my blog v e r  y v e r y s l o w l y  gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Actually, to be honest…

  • Mwa ha ha We won't be beaten LM's mates chat here- temp, 'warped' ok?


    We will not be beaten - if we can't find eachother on warped or anywhere, we can use the comments boxes below to say hi and meet ok?

    I was going to do a new blog post for this but it wouldn't let me so you can either read the silly below or skip to the bottom and just use it as a temporary warped or chat place until we can find a way to meet somewhere.. How does that sound?

    I hate not being able to see how you…

  • Wistful and weird


    I don't think this one will be very funny so sorry for that.. just thoughts rolling around that seem to be a bit wistful and weird... not sad at all, just... hmmm  like the morning mists if you know what  I mean... and you never know it might make you snigger along the way... lets see....

    Its my son's birthday today. He is 20. Now I don't quite know how I ever got old enough to have a 20 year old and that is kind of…

  • Phased and fazed...


    Little My had a bright idea that phasing into work would be a good plan...

    The theory was do a little bit ... which turned into a little bit for 3 days and have 2 days off completely....  which turned into... well you know. Its me.

    Of course if you have been with me from the beginning you know there is a difference between what Little My thinks and hears and what is realily. If you are new and unaware, somewhere in the…

  • In which Little My experiences a Wet and Windy Day

    Thought I would risk typing a blog straight into the box for once and was scrolling down to press send  and somehow  ended up in the chat room which sounds fun but seems to be on speed....and lost the whole blog  Arrrgghhhh. (and you know how long my blogs are)
    So let’s see if I can remember... we have to go back in time now to yesterday... wibble wobble do do dooo doo.....
    Little My has gone back to work on a ‘phased…