surviving and waiting to thrive!

  • Alive but not kicking!

    I have reached the "Five Year Mark". This is GOOD news. This is most excellent and I am so pleased. I am alive and have been living, a trip to the Far East, a big family celebration, a promotion, a zero birthday! So many things that could have been missed but I am alive and here to enjoy these things. So why the "not kicking" comment? Because those events listed above are the one offs fitted in between resting…
  • Surviving and finding my voice

    I found my voice through treatment.  I found my voice because it was solicited and respected and valued and deemed important.  Because others thought my voice was important I came to believe it to be so.

    I'm told I had a rough time through treatment but with nothing to compare it to what would I know.  I am here, I am alive and now having a tougher time surviving.  I don't really know why, I did not know what to expect…

  • Surviving sometimes sucks!

    Well that was bound to happen!  I should have known better really.  If anybody got their hands on a diary from my teen years it would have sounded like I was seriously depressed but that is because the diary only got written in when I was down. When I was out and about, having the best kind of fun then there was no time to write a "stupid diary."

    So here it is with the blog, when I am busy and battling on there…

  • blogging to survive!

    I am not quite sure why I started blogging as I am not really sure I "get" the medium.  As quite a private person everything in me, well almost everything resists putting anything out there in the public realm and surely a diary would do.  I'm told a weblog is a diary too but it cannot be because the very thought of writing something that other people might read changes the way I write, my diaries get written…

  • The "new normal"?

    I keep being told that I should have reached my "new normal" by now. But here's the thing, no one can tell me what a new normal should look or feel like and if it feels like this then I'm not keeping it! Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but I am beginning to wonder if this talk of a "new normal" is just something that is said to keep people like me hoping for something better to come round the corner or maybe…