Sunflower61's blog

  • Hair Loss


    It's started coming out today 14 days from the chemo like they said not sure what to do am scared I really don't want to shave it but don't want it coming out in clumps decisions decisions. My head is burning feels like evry pore is on fire.

    Can't hide it from the general public anymore, have also got odd little lumps on the reconstructed breast just tiny like little peas will have to ring the breast nurse…

  • First chemo over

    Hi Just want to let you all know that I had my 1st dose of chemo at christies on Tuesday got there at 2 but didn't get chemo till 6.30pm, have left it a day or so before I'm sure but so far all is well no side effects yet to speak of, I felt very ill after it got in my system but after a second saline drip I was fit to leave, still on the steroids and the anti nausea but they don't run out till tonight so will keep you…
  • Scared

    Up at the crack of dawn this morning and very restless sleep, 1st chemo today at 2.30 and dreading it I thought I had at least another week to go, mum was brilliant yesterday treated me to a whole new outfit, looks fantastic she's really worried I know but trying not to let it show. Don't know what's in store today and for the next 6mths I think that is the worst thing. Have been taking Milk thistle a natural remedy to…
  • chemo starting tomorrow

    Spoke to soon didn't I got the call from Christies have to be there for 2.30pm tomorrow, help !! what do I do I eat before going or not can anyone advise what to do please ? xxxx
  • Hi there again

    Hi everyone it's a sunny day today always makes you feel better, have had my hair cut short in preparation for the fall out, and hubby has shaved his completely in sympathy he's so sweet as he has a really nice head of hair. Everyone says my hair looks great hubby says it looks sexy. I'm expecting my date this week to start chemo still anxious but am trying not to let it take over everyones blogs are comforting so I'll…