Sunflower61's blog

  • Neck pain?Is it back or not ?


    Am panicking just now, I have had a pain in the neck now for several weeks I've had physio, traction, painkillers you name it, I thought it was just a twisted neck but it doesn't improve with time.    Have just had MRI scan and get results Monday but I'm scared of what they may say. Has anyone had simialer symptoms that can help me please. My head just stays in one position unless I sleep then it's better in the…

  • Turmoil


    Haven't been on for ages, have been having chemo and have my last CM F on the 24th of March and really looking forward to the end of it all, now I have had 2 core biopsy's to see if the cancer has come back or if it's just left over lymph nodes that are growing again, don't know what to think, what's the use of 6mths of chemo if the cancer can just come back, has anyone else had this?

  • Depressed


    Haven't been here for a while have been trying to get on with things but after the 3rd dose of chemo epirubicin I seem to have little or no energy every thing just seems too much it's a struggle to take the puppy out but have to manage, don't know how I can cope with much more, have to have a line fitted for the chemo as they keep struggling to find a vein am still going to christies although they keep promising I can…

  • Baldies unite.


    Hair all gone now plucked up the courage to do it, have got some lovely scarves and hats and have even been out without anything on (my head that is). Next chemo tomorrow at christie,  am doing a group photo with loads of mates on wednesday some who are bald anyway and some kind souls like my Jon and my sons and my brother who have all shaved theirs off in sympathy. Some of jons friends have done it  so they'll be on the…

  • 'Hair today gone tomorrow'


    Haven't had the courage to shave my head yet I keep trying to hold on to it, feel really tired and sleep alot have to force myself to take the puppy out for a walk or I'll just sit there.  Next chemo on tuesday and although I know it's not that bad I still don't look forward to it never know what effect it will have as I know it's a culmalative effect if thats spelt right. Am about to go out now with Mister and…