Such a long journey and it's not over yet.

  • Post adrenaline crash!


    I don't know if anyone else has experienced this phenomenum? I spent the whole of last week running around whilst mum was in hospital acting as go-between for hospital and family, family and Mac service and family and family. But now things are calmer with mum being back home and dad being back in control, I just feel absolutely shattered and highly emotional which I feel in no small part is due to the fact that I am…

  • Back in a calm spell???


    We finally managed to get Mum home from hospital yesterday morning, and she walked out (well barely!!). I did have my concerns that we would be transfering her home by ambulance at times! After 2 OGD's, both of which came up with nothing significant, 4 units of blood and much stress and badgering of staff to get answers we are still no clearer as what caused her GI bleed! It is very obvious though that this combined with…

  • 2.15 am and just back from hospital


    Mum has been admited via ED to the Acute Admissions Unit as she started to vomit blood too. I am emotionally and physically drained but after being given loads of pain relief she is probably the most pain free she has been in ages. Not sure of cause yet but hopefully we can get through the night without things going horribly wrong.

  • A weekend of running around.


    Well Mum's shingles are running their course and are not as painful as they were but she continues to feel awful. She is hardly eating and swings between being constipated and loose. She told me yesterday that her stools were very dark, I was of course immediately concerned. I rang the on-call Mac nurse for a chat and she called mum this morning to see how things were. I phoned mum too and she was in floods of tears,…

  • Mum is being treated for shingles.


    I got a phone call from dad this afternoon bless him he never answers the phone let alone makes calls so this is a slightly worrying occurance in itself! He wanted my advice on anit-virals mum had been given as the doc thinks she has shingles. It started as a bruise like patch on her leg on Sunday and by today was really red and painful. As she had an appointment to discuss her pain control the doc took a look at it and…