Back in a calm spell???

1 minute read time.

We finally managed to get Mum home from hospital yesterday morning, and she walked out (well barely!!). I did have my concerns that we would be transfering her home by ambulance at times! After 2 OGD's, both of which came up with nothing significant, 4 units of blood and much stress and badgering of staff to get answers we are still no clearer as what caused her GI bleed! It is very obvious though that this combined with the shingles she had at the same time has really knocked her sideways and how well she will recover remains to be seen. Her HB taken before discharge was 106 (80 before the last 2 units of blood), by no means perfect and we are seeing her Mac nurse tomorrow to see where we go from here. A definate is another blood test later in the week to make sure that her levels are holding and have not dropped again. If they have she will be facing another tranfusion, but Mac have told us they can do it home, also we will know she is still bleeding - somewhere! I am taking today to get myself together and will head to Mum and Dads tomorrow to be there when her mac nurse comes round. It's been quite a week and although we are all really pleased to have her home none of really know what is coming.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mummys Girl,

    Im very glad to hear that your Mum is going Home.

    It will give you peace of mind knowing that at least she is where she wants to be, at home with her Family.  You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx.

    P.S. Give your Mum a Big Hug frome me.