Such a long journey and it's not over yet.

  • The first of the firsts!


    Today would have been my Mum's 63rd birthday, she passed away on the 1st June. I always knew it was going to be hard but have been in floods of tears since getting up. Even facebook is conspiring to make me cry by showing me status updates from previous years on this date, 'going to take my beatiful brave Mum the cake me and the girls have made', 'Mum's birthday going to spoil her rotten' etc. …

  • Mum passed away 01/06/11


    My mum who has fought her bowel cancer so bravely for so long passed away last night. As is the nature of things today is a funny old day, waiting for things to happen. I have cried and cried and laughed and remembered with my family, which I am sure will all be repeated in the coming weeks, months, years. RIP mum, sleep tight no more pain, no more worry. I made you a promise that even though it is not happening now…

  • What a busy weekend!


    Firstly I want to say that I genuinly felt for anybody without their mum yesterday and know how lucky I am to have mine still around.

    We made a big fuss for mum yesterday and had a Mothers Day tea at my sisters house, with all three of us girls and our families. I spent my Mothers Day cooking up a storm to take as my contribution but it didn't matter as yesterday was not about me I have a lifetime of Mothers Days ahead…

  • Results much as expected..


    but that does not make things any easier to take. CT showed that the mets are growing everywhere, all lymph nodes that are involved around the stomach, lymph node by the liver and to top it off there are new mets in her liver. All treatment options have been exhausted and she has been fighting for nearly 10 years, she is uncomfortable and tired. I don't know what to say or do, I want to scream and cry but I stick by the…

  • Still uncertain..


    We are meeting Mr Gastro man tomorrow to get the results of mum's CT that she managed to drag herself to last week. That was the first time she had been out of the house since coming home from hospital. Her HB count is now better if not completely within acceptable range. She is not too bad in herself, her Mac nurse and I have managed to persuade her to wear the stronger fentanyl patches and she is having oramorph…