Still uncertain..

1 minute read time.

We are meeting Mr Gastro man tomorrow to get the results of mum's CT that she managed to drag herself to last week. That was the first time she had been out of the house since coming home from hospital. Her HB count is now better if not completely within acceptable range. She is not too bad in herself, her Mac nurse and I have managed to persuade her to wear the stronger fentanyl patches and she is having oramorph for breakthrough pain. I have not been able to visit this weekend as my daughter has a terrible cold and hacking cough, mum's chest is dodgy enough so do not want to pass anything on. I will be there tomorrow though to hear what I guess we all already know, that the tumours are growing but it will be good to get an idea as to how far advanced things are. Bless her she is sleeping and napping a fair bit, gets up for a couple of hours, goes back for a while, gets up tries to eat something and then goes back and has another nap. Will have to see what he says tomorrow.

Myself, life has been on hold for a while with mum being in hospital for a week and having her 4 units of blood etc, she likes me to be around to liase between family and staff, I have worked on placement with many of the staff who were looking after her. I find it very hard to concentrate and even feel a little guilty if I realise my mind has turned to something and find myself snapping back into reality. I have defered one assignment till June with the blessing of the Uni. I keep trying to carry on as mum wants and have applied for a couple of nusing jobs for when I qualify in September and this keeps me going! I have an interview day on Saturday, will have to see how I feel after whatever news is to come our way tomorrow, but I am researching interview questions and working on my portfolio, onwards....



  • FormerMember

    Hi Diane.

    Hope all goes well for your Mum tomorrow. All the best and Good Luck for your interview on Saturday.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big HugsLove Sarsfield.xx