Sublingual Salivary Gland Cancer- my journey

  • Radiotherapy - Day 29

    After having felt pretty similar for the last 3 weeks, after my original early dip, last night saw a decline and a pretty awful night. My tongue has felt much larger during the night and the paracetamols seem to really sting and burn my mouth when I take them. They do seem to be a different brand to the others I had previously but I wouldn't have thought that should make a difference.

    I've been taking more Oramorph…

  • Radiotherapy- 4 to go

    Into the final week. This seemed so far away at the start I can't believe I'm here now.

    Had the consultant meeting yesterday and although if lost a tiny bit more weight she said overall she was very pleased with how I've done on the food/weight front and that it's brilliant that I've got through it without a peg. I'm am being moved onto the more concentrated Ensures today though because I'm really loosing the…

  • Radiotherapy/ starting the final week

    As I lie here awake having had my 2am Oramorph dose I've been thinking through how I've been feeling over the weekend and trying to understand/ deal with things a little better.

    First of all I think I've been a bit in mourning for pre diagnosis me. I watched a video of a holiday with friends and it quite upset me to think ill never be that person again. Partly I suppose physically things will have changed ( and…

  • Radiotherapy- 5 days to go.

    I've not been blogging as much this week because there hasn't really been much to add. Things have stayed pretty much the same. The saliva has become thicker, but not really thick and I've found swills with the salt water and then later the carhopsol seems to give some relief from it.

    Denplan have paid out on the private prescription I had for that so that's fab.

    I'm still doing 5ml of oramorph about…

  • Radiotherapy - day 22.5

    .....and so creeping up in the middle of the night arrives the thick sticky saliva. It wasn't here at bedtime and now it just can't shake it. Salt water, Caphopsol, coughing...... It's here to stay it seems. Most unpleasant.