Stephanie's Journey to Petra

  • The First Training Trek


    Last week I undertook my first training trek in the Peak District and I'm still feeling the burn on my feet.  It was an amazing first experience of a day-long hike with the weather on our side!  My partner James was my trailblazing sherpa and egged me on all the way to the pub, which in my opinion had legs of its own as it was always over the next hill. 

    ^ James '#1'

    Stocked up with biscuits, biscuits and…

  • What will the New Year bring?


    After a fun-filled Christmas the time has come to work off all the turkey, Boxing Day buffet, Quality Street and Twiglets.  This is going to be tough, especially when there's so much of the Christmas shop in the cupboards!!  Yesterday I undertook my first run of the year, 6 miles around the village, and man am I aching today.  I'm now waiting for my Davina Intense DVD to arrive, which I'm terrified about starting because…

  • And so it begins...


    This week has marked a life milestone - I have started fundraising for my sponsored trek to Jordan.  I have posters hanging up all over work (some customers at work don't believe it's me in the photo - I just look clean and not covered in coffee granules jeeeez!) and I'm constantly checking the weight of my collection tins at the tills and any updates on my just hiving page…