And so it begins...

1 minute read time.

This week has marked a life milestone - I have started fundraising for my sponsored trek to Jordan.  I have posters hanging up all over work (some customers at work don't believe it's me in the photo - I just look clean and not covered in coffee granules jeeeez!) and I'm constantly checking the weight of my collection tins at the tills and any updates on my just hiving page I know I have just under a year to reach my target of £3300 (yikes!!) but I guess I'm just super excited about it all.


I am however more apprehensive about getting into an exercise routine :S my other half has offered his advice and experience but I have a slight feeling training for Sandhurst is marginally different to no training experience whatsoever...ooops.  I have to buy a lot of kit because I realised I only own a very old pair of jogging bottoms and a pair of netball trainers a few sizes too small - let's hope the January sales are kind to me!

Of course Christmas is round the corner and I stupidly started a healthy eating plan mid-November (dufus!) WHYYYYY did I think that was a good idea?? Especially as customers are unloading unwanted chocolate selection boxes (who are these people?!) onto us at work - we've already been given at least five tubs of Quality Street!!  This is going to be the toughest obstacle because I loves me food - I've been trying to ween myself off pasta, which is not going down well AT ALL. If I have to give up my coffee at work  I'll cry!

I have been spreading the word of my travels to Jordan to my Facebook and Twitter worlds and am hoping others pass on the message too - I need all the support I can get. I've only just told my grandparents who couldn't believe me; they're terrified I'm turning out like my Uncle who travelled the world and couldn't afford to come home so he ended up in Australia, don't worry you two I'm not running away with a Bedouin man, although I would love a camel!!! hmmm...

Anyway, I hope I survive a healthier Christmas and hope all of you training are feeling the pain too hehe.

