The First Training Trek

1 minute read time.

Last week I undertook my first training trek in the Peak District and I'm still feeling the burn on my feet.  It was an amazing first experience of a day-long hike with the weather on our side!  My partner James was my trailblazing sherpa and egged me on all the way to the pub, which in my opinion had legs of its own as it was always over the next hill. 

^ James '#1'

Stocked up with biscuits, biscuits and more biscuits, we hiked around Sheffield's reservoirs, passing through scenic villages, not to mention bogs, mud fields, black-iced roads and rivers.  As I had expected, I fell over many times in Vicar of Dibley fashion which had him in stiches, and me in mud.  I looked very much less composed on our way back.  I haven't yet worked out how many miles we hiked but we were out for 6 hours, which is a fine start James said.  I think if I can survive and English winter hike - I'm going to enjoy a mud-free Jordan!!  I have realised that my walking shoes from Uni have officially died a painful yet noble death - so I'm looking forward to getting some insane desert boots!

^ Nearing The Strines Inn - Winning!

^ View of a reservoir 

I really enjoyed this scenic trek and am going to hike in the local hills and get my friends involved!  On another positive note, I arrived home to discover my collection tins at work have made £117.16 in less than a month - very chuffed, especially after a harsh January.  This has given me the motivation to think up more fundraising activities and to get more tins :)

  • FormerMember
    How is the fundraising going ......have you done anymore training .....I have signed up for the trek .... Do you know of anyone else doing the same challenge.. I am so unfit I will have to work hard speak soon xxxxx