Sound of silence

  • "hear my words that I might teach you"


    I started this blog on my Mum's birthday so today being Mother's Day seems the perfect time to update. I could never have known just how significant that title would become.

    Some of you have been with me along the bumpy road for which you know I am eternally grateful. Although I no longer feel the need to be here, I will pop in from time to time to see how you are doing or if indeed my experience can…

  • if I could have screamed..........


    A week ago today saw the start of my sore throat. No worries there, I had been talking a lot in work.

    Day off on Wednesday, spent quietly on my own, didn't feel up to planned gym session. Thankful that I had rescheduled my lunch date for Thursday, just couldn't pull out of that one.

    Biggest effort on Thursday, an hours drive through beautiful countryside in glorious sunshine (well in my car really, but you know what…

  • time flies......


    ...when you're having fun.  Ha, had to stop myself saying this to someone today. 

    Those who have given me words of encouragement know it hasn't been so for me but it's hard to believe that six months has passed since my post surgery results.

    Today I managed to get into work in time for a 9:00am meeting, a first since my diagnosis.  I certainly wasn't silent and got lots sorted but most importantly I took my…

  • to blog or not to blog?


    Ok, I'm here but so new to this, have thought about it so many times but scared of getting it wrong.

    Why today?  Well this would have been my Mum's birthday, she has long since passed but I've really missed her on this journey and today I find myself tearful over that loss.  She was the one person who could tell if I was saying I was fine when really I wasn't and I'm sure would have guided me to ask all the…