time flies......

Less than one minute read time.

...when you're having fun.  Ha, had to stop myself saying this to someone today. 

Those who have given me words of encouragement know it hasn't been so for me but it's hard to believe that six months has passed since my post surgery results.

Today I managed to get into work in time for a 9:00am meeting, a first since my diagnosis.  I certainly wasn't silent and got lots sorted but most importantly I took my suit jacket off in front of everyone.  How good did that feel when I realised? 

Back in the office I recieved a long awaited delivery.  By then I was grinning from ear to ear.  Told the girls I'd need to buy a lottery ticket.

Then..........a colleque thanked me on behalf of her friend, for the information I had given her about my reconstruction.

The day just got better and better, think that corner just might have been turned or is it light at the end of the tunnel.



  • FormerMember

    Oh that did make me smile :)

    Well done you!!!!

    Here's to that corner being turned and that light there and remember you may have the odd day when you take a step backwards, but you are going in the right direction and that is amazing to hear!

    Off to sleep with a smile on my face now, so you can add that to your list of things today :)

     big hug

    Little My xxx