to blog or not to blog?

2 minute read time.

Ok, I'm here but so new to this, have thought about it so many times but scared of getting it wrong.

Why today?  Well this would have been my Mum's birthday, she has long since passed but I've really missed her on this journey and today I find myself tearful over that loss.  She was the one person who could tell if I was saying I was fine when really I wasn't and I'm sure would have guided me to ask all the relevant questions.

Driving home from work the other day listening to Simon and Garfunkel's Sounds of Silence, I thought that's it.  Those nights where I would creep out of bed and sit downstairs alone in the dark, so as not to disturb my husband who needed his sleep if he was to work the next day, only to find in the morning he couldn't sleep because he was worried about me. The reason I couldn't sleep "the vision that was planted in my brain" of how I'd cope, how would I look without my breast or with my choice of reconstruction. Would people be able to tell either way? Would they treat me differently?  "People hearing without listening", yep, came across a few of them, myself included.

Strangely the only thing I could remember with any clarity was my BCN saying "this isn't cancer "  Words that would haunt me, to the point of requesting a copy of my notes.  If it wasn't cancer then why was I having to have a mastectomy?  The only question I asked "what about reconstruction" and guess what, like a lot of us here I went for the first one that was mentioned at screening.  The only comment about my care was as the BC checked my back "if I can't have strattice reconstruction with implant then I'd rather have nothing"  I didn't like the idea of LD Flap.  Wish now someone had mentioned the possibility of DIEP.

I had been told I had DCIS in two areas and that it was too widespread for WLE.  If I'd asked and listened I would have known that I had High Grade DCIS measuring 26mm and Intermediate DCIS measuring 9mm at a distance of 12mm apart both with comedo necrosis. I'm guessing the speed my rollercoaster took off was due to the fact that one of these areas had been detected in a previous screening but deemed to be normal tissue.

So I had my Mx SNB and strattice reconstruction and with a few hitches sailed through without the need for further treatment, albeit post surgery result showed that the total area of DCIS was 41mm.  That's where Pinky and Perky (who remembers those loveable little pigs?) make an entrance.  I know for now I do not want to have anymore surgery but I have clothes I won't wear anymore and lost count of the things I've bought and returned because I could see the difference.

Ok so I'm rambling through the tears, apologies if I've bored or upset anyone but I really needed for me to get this out.

Hugs and best wishes to you all on your own personal journey's, however you found yourself to be here.


  • FormerMember

    hello! well, who else was going to pop up eh?

    There is no right or wrong with blogs. You write whatever you need to write and don't worry about what you say or whether you might offend someone or not... its your space.

    I am sorry you are struggling and missing your mum. Ive been having a few low days, but I am coming back out of it again now and you will too... I don't have BC so didn't really uunderstand any of the technical stuff, but just wanted to say well done for blogging!

    Sending you a big big hug

    Little My xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    I can only reiterate what LM has already said.  I've found my own blog to be very theraputic and get  and it does help to write it all down.  I am always amazed that people actually read my drivel and I get loads of support from all the Mac Family as I'm sure you will.  Keep blogging and I'm sending you lots of hugs and strength to help you through the low points.

    LM - massive squidgy hugs to you and sorry I haven't been around and hope you are coming out of the low days.  I do know that you are going through a really tough time at the moment and I'm sorry I haven't been more supportive.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Blogging is a place to let out whatever you want however you want to say it and no one is offended here.

    Although i'm not here through BC, so I didn't understand the different choices and decisions you had to make.  I myself had to make those same choices and decide between two ops, a permanent colostomy and removal of rectum and anus or a temporary illiostomy and reversal.  It wasn't an easy decision and one that I was still pondering the night before my op in hospital.  It's not a comfortable place we find ourselves in is it?? But here we are and here we must conquerer on.

    I too miss my Dad soooooooooo much, and I empathise with that loss and not being able to share our ups and downs with a parent. Life can be harsh but it is also a wonderful experience.

    Take care 

    Jan xx 

  • FormerMember

    Okay so maybe this isn't the place to acknowledge your support, so wait no need.

    Little My, you absolutely are my guardian angel.  No wait! not just mine, you have so much care and compassion for everyone on this site, no matter how they've arrived here.  I'm just being silly, I'm a grandmother crying for my mother, but then Mums always make everything better, don't they? 

    Sorry to hear that you've been struggling, I hope it won't be too long before you have worked through it and that at least today has been a better day for you. I'm sending back all the hugs and good wishes you need.

    Nin, thank you for the encouragement, I did keep a diary of my journey but it fell by the wayside when I went back to work. My head's all over the place at the moment but may come back to blogging.  It did feel good to get it off my chest (lol, can't believe I've just said that, I don't consider Perky to be mine).  Big hugs and best wishes as you adjust to the cruelty of this disease.

    Jan thanks to you too, what a double blow you've had.  I can really empahise with the loss of your Dad just before Chistmas, even now for me it's strange with all the celebrations while my mind is a million miles away, thinking of my Mum and Dad. I hope that you are continuing well with your own journey. Hugs and best wishes to you.

    I was distracted yesterday with a lovely surprise of a drive though the Scottish Borders to meet up with relatives who were up from London for a wedding.  

    Thanks again to you all for your support