Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Getting Better

    Following Mondays setbacks and a recent visit to the medical consultants things are now much better. A slight change to meds, introducing steroids has perked me up somewhat and I am no feeling as sick as before and am getting up and about much more. I have changed meds plan to allow certain time windows for which to drink by mouth and overall feel 5/10 in I general fitness. Still need to keep tubes until another 4…
  • An afternoon out

    Worst day in some time started with violent sickness at around 0530Hrs resulting in the calling out of the emergency doctor who arrived within an hour with a shot of anti sickness meds a cheery " that should cure it and off he left". An hour later the and no more sickness but feeling rough we set off for salisbsury A and E dept where we were quickly admitted and after several tries blood was taken. Blood results came…
  • Progress then lack of it...

    What an eventful weekend I sarcastically comment as although I did peak on Friday feeling almost 3.5 out of 10 on the 'how well do you feel? scale, I am now back to just over 3 as the morning sickness and relentless sore throat continue to test me as does the lack of felling as though I want to do anything caused by pain killers I must have averaged 20 hours sleep per day over last 4 day period! Next hospital appointment…
  • More of a See Saw now rather than a roller coaster


    Weekend not too good as sickness in mornings resumed along with lack of sleep and nightmares, This was replaced this monday morning and feeling best I have felt post op, managed to drink a pint of medication via mouth and am now going to force myself to gout for a short walk wih the dog.  I just hope this positive blog doesnt see me knocked back again tomorrow.  Sign fo my garden pub arrived today (Stanhope and Star), the…

  • 3 Steps Forward

    At last , after a few hiccups on the health front, I can report some progress and have managed to get something other than sips of water by mouth. Yes I am officially up to the gulping stage, and looking forward to getting back to drinking some other tasty beverages and food via mouth I the near future. Although this leave me two weeks or so behind my envisaged recovery plan every small step is a goo done. I have…