Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Ravenous


    dont know what has happened today but just want to eat - trouble is none of the stuff i can manage seems very filling - managed to stay awake all day and a longer walk with the dog this afternoon which will help me sleep later.  Have asked my Doctor to consider reduction in pain relief through syringe driver just to give me a physical step towards weaning myself off the oxycodene (am currently on 40mg per day and have…

  • Back Down To Earth...


    bit of a bump today as boredom set in after the busy day yesterday.  Lack of taste also made a trial of which coffee tasted better fail as all tasted of nothing much, I really hope the taste buds come back some what, I never really appreciated spending money on some tasty stuff.  Even a chewy mint had to be aborted mid swallow as too big (even when chewed).  Forced myself out to take dog for a walk in the rain but lack of…

  • Update


    well one might say it has been a successful day for me today. Have arranged a couple of socials and visits, had a visitor, had a phone call from a good friend (very difficult to express feelings this way - blog much easier), made headway on additional food via mouth (including a stab at some tuna and mash), appetite is voracious just wish i could smash a burger king, purchased a top of the range soup maker, assisted with…

  • Another Blog Post

    Well here goes for another blog post on another Groundhog Day in Durrington. Sleeping well now and up for meds at 8, followed by spot of news on TV (doom n gloom ref Ukraine and floods). Back to sleep till lunch and the more meds before getting up to lounge around house feeling pretty bored and miserable. Must get a hobby. Quick walk out to post a letter, amazed that this event classed as a highlight for blog but I…
  • TechnoJoy

    Have just Sussed out how to add to my blog via my new iPhone so expect a long post tomorrow. Generally speaking I am physically feeling better but reliant on my brilliant wife to look after me due to med requirements and not being able to drive etc. am oh so conscious that I am not communicating by voice enough so will making an effort to call a few people this week, pse bear with me on this. Got a full tin (small cream…