In good hands

  • Kidney Stent Procedure

    They managed to bring my kidney stent procedure forwards a couple of days - which is good as it might take a day or two for it to settle down.

    This was my first ever general anaesthetic - "ouch that stings my h...ZZzzzzzz" and awake again 2 hours later. No grogginess, and no discomfort to start with...

    I made the mistake that because I felt ok i didn't need any more pain killers - boy did I regret that. They…

  • Biopsy resutls, surgery and chemo

    Got the results back: para aortic metastatic germ cell tumour, seminoma.

    Given the range of possible outcomes I’ll take that as a win - it should respond well to chemo

    The tumour is physically impinging on my left kidney, and so to prevent that failing, and to make sure it’s working properly during chemo, I need to have surgery before chemo starts. That’s just simple day surgery (no need for a knife…

  • Biopsy results due tomorrow

    I've got two appointments tomorrow, one with the original specialist and then straight after that a meeting with the oncologist and nurse. I'm hoping they confirm the existing suspicion that the primary cause is testicualr and this is what has spread through my lymph systm and that I can start the chemo (and I'll assume that is going to BEP, and could start as soon as Friday?). Also steeling myself should the news be…

  • The steps to diagnosis

    So, after I made contact with the doctor, what were the steps to diagnosis:
    my symptoms were not very specifc back ache, and so my doctor thought it might be referred pain from an inflamed epipdidymus (sounds like a resident of Notty Ash?), but also thought my spleen felt enlarged.
    (1) organised blood tests and book an ultrasound (2 day wait). At this stage I hoped for an inflammation, but like anyone with a PC googled…

  • How did I get here?

    Two months ago I was healthy, moderately fit man - cycling to work, running for charity, indoor rowing, and had lost 10kg through a fitness/healthy eating regime. Then I started to have trouble sleeping - after 2~3 hrs I would wake with back ache, sitting up for a few minutes would dissipate the discomfort and I could then go back to sleep. During the day I felt totally normal. The slowly it got worse and especially after…