Kidney Stent Procedure

1 minute read time.

They managed to bring my kidney stent procedure forwards a couple of days - which is good as it might take a day or two for it to settle down.

This was my first ever general anaesthetic - "ouch that stings my h...ZZzzzzzz" and awake again 2 hours later. No grogginess, and no discomfort to start with...

I made the mistake that because I felt ok i didn't need any more pain killers - boy did I regret that. They gave me paracetamol whilst out cold and when that wore off my bits were in agony - they dosed me up with paracetamol, tramadol and another liquid morphine based painkiller - all to no avail, and I had 3hrs of nasty nasty nasty pain. Top tip - if they offer you pain killers after a kidney stent - take them regardless!!! in the end I think it was the paracetamol (notionally the weaker of the painkillers) that had an effect. I'm now taking them regularlry as directed for the next day 'til I'm sure the pain won't return.

They want to remove the stent as soon as the tumour starts to shrink - it gets progressively harder to remove the longer it is in, and considering the exit route it needs to take, I want it to be as easy as possible! I'm not getting much discomfort from the stent at all, so I think it's going to be well behaved.

So both kidneys now in play for the chemo to start on Thursday.
