
  • 4 Months Dad since we said goodbye. x


    I thought of you with love today,but that is nothing new.
    I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too.
    I think of you in silence,I often speak your names.
    All i have are memories, and your picture in a frame,
    Your memory is my keepsake,with which I'll never part.
    God has you in His keeping, I have you in my Heart.


    Sorry I haven't been on for a while guys.......have been quite emotional. 

    Hope you are…

  • What a week !!!!


    Well, I have had a brilliant week.....some hard moments too. As i am on  the renal ward we have a lot of end stage cancer patients with renal failure and 2 of which we have lost this week. I have found this extremely hard to deal with but i know that whilst i and the other staff  were caring for them they had fantastic care. I spent time just holding their hands, combing their hair, washing them and talking to them whilst…

  • My Birthday.


    Today is my Birthday and i was awaken to the sound of my phone going off and i was convinced that it was dad, he is always the first one to text or call me on my birthday. i was convinced it was him and was overcome with grief when i realised it wasn't. Oh well another first i guess.  



  • Thank you all so much xx


    Just wanted to let you guys know how much i appreciate all the advice and love you guys have given me over the last 8 months. Its been so hard and i wouldn't be coming out the other side if is wasn't for all of you.  


  • OMG 3 months already


    I am really angry at my self

    I have just realised it has been 3 months today since i lost my dad. 8th July-8th Oct

    I can't believe it has been so long already and it still doesn't feel real. I am so angry that i hadn't realised til now, i know it's not a year or something but oh i don't know difficult to explain.

    In a way maybe that means it does get one point i could have told you…