What a week !!!!

1 minute read time.

Well, I have had a brilliant week.....some hard moments too. As i am on  the renal ward we have a lot of end stage cancer patients with renal failure and 2 of which we have lost this week. I have found this extremely hard to deal with but i know that whilst i and the other staff  were caring for them they had fantastic care. I spent time just holding their hands, combing their hair, washing them and talking to them whilst doing everything in my power to comfort their devastated relatives. A lovely lady who passed away yesterday told be i was her angel Smile  for me that means i am doing my job right and the way that i want to do it. Not consumed by numbers and timeframes like some nhs staff i have observed. 

I am finding the hours hard but as long as i still get to spend time with my kids everyday i can cope with it. 

I hope you are all doing aswell as possible and will try and get onto chat and catch up soon.

Thanks for all my birthday wishes too by the way, it was a very emotional day and i missed dad more than ever but i got through albeit with lots of tears. 

Anyway today is my eldest daughters 10th birthday so we are off bowling soon. My mum has just taken her to the Merry hill centre and spoilt her so now its my turn!!!! Happy Birthday Jenna!!!!

  • FormerMember

    what a lovely lady who goes that bit extra, folk notice and it means so much, have a lovely weekend, love leisha xxx

  • FormerMember

    hey vicki, i knew youd love it huni , as i do, what can be more rewarding than delivering first class care and tlc when most needed :)

    big birthday kiss and wishes for jenna , and hugs for you jenni xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki...Well done on getting through this week...i think we all know how hard it will have been for you ....and the important thing is you have done it the way you want to do it.... and i think you will have left a big impression on the patients and their relatives in the caring way you have dealt with them... your dad will be so proud of you...best wishes to you vicki...


  • FormerMember

    Hello Vicki, nice to see you getting back to work and giving so much of yourself.  God bless, if ever I end up ill I  hope I have someone like you to look after me.  Happy Birthday to your daughter, hope she had a lovely day.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    hello vicki keep up the good work that family of that lady will remember you always for making their mum passing as pleasant as possible and i have to agree its people like you and jenni who will go the extra mile and not worry about the numbers that will make the difference and you are angels

    hope you all had a lovely time for your daughters birthday

    xx jackie